Just read something that struck me in my deep gut of faith today..... "Don't measure the size of the mountain...talk to the One Who can move it". Oh my...how often do I do that? Not very, I'm guilt-ridden to say. How many times have I analyzed, measured, calculated the "mountain", only to be exhausted and without answers. Ultimately, I won't have the answers, will I? Unless they're HIS...and sometimes they seem an eternity in coming! Why does He do that??? :). Later on we always know, don't we? I'm facing a huge mountain right now....probably 5 years ago I'd have said I couldn't do this....I still can't, but HE CAN MOVE IT....or help me around it, maybe even mine my way through? Don't know, but I don't have the "measuring tools" adequate to do the figurin' out, but He has the WAY!!!
Because it takes so little to be above average!