I’d been asked over and over and over if I wrote…I’d say, “oh no, I just enjoy interpreting what someone else has already written”. Not a bad answer, but it wore thin, and God finally got my attention. When Paul passed away and I made the decision to go back out on this singing/speaking ministry, I found myself having to do everything. I did all the booking, packing, setting up, tearing down, travel plans, correspondence and all office duties…along with trying to have a minute here and there to spend with friends in an attempt to build a new life as a single woman. I would give myself the excuse, concerning songwriting, that I just didn’t have time. I even said to God several times with confidence that if I had some part-time help, I could possibly have time to concentrate on writing. Well, one day THAT part-time help came along…what was I gonna say now??? Then one morning I was sitting at my kitchen table involved in my morning devotions’...
Because it takes so little to be above average!