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Showing posts from 2013

Christmas is REAL

Ever since I was a little girl, I've been more or less enthralled with Christmas.  I'd been taken to church ever since I was a baby, so I knew why we celebrated Christmas.  I'd also enjoyed looking and anticipating Santa Claus ever since I could remember.  I realize that it could have been a little confusing for a young mind and heart to try and process the beauty of the birth of Jesus and the fun of waiting for Santa Claus.  For some reason, it just wasn't complex to me... Maybe it's because as I grew older, Jesus became so real to me as Savior...and then "Santa" became "real" as I learned the priceless truth that Jesus was a gift to us...and wanted to teach us the blessing of giving.  I'm not embarrassed at all that Jesus and Santa were both intertwined back then and still are.  Jesus gave, and still gives. Sometimes He does that in the form of someone who loves me very much with skin on.  I'm thankful! ad


There's been a lot discussed this week about the shutdown of the government.  One thing that hit me really hard was what appeared to be a deliberate effort to keep the World War II memorial closed to the public, even to those veterans who'd traveled hundreds of miles to be there, something scheduled for weeks and months.  This was so unnecessary in that the memorials weren't "manned" by anyone, open-air places to pay respects to those who suffered and suffered in honor to protect our country and keep its freedoms.  Seems we have an epidemic of disrespect for those who have done more than most of us today would even attempt to do.  Someone said..."If we don't know where we've been, then we don't really know where we're going".  I say this applies to our history...our wonderful USA's history of sacrifice and determination that has kept this the free nation it was established on.  It's past time for a good dose of respect for...

Attitude Does Make a Difference

This past weekend, I had the privilege of having a long time good friend in one of my services...and then enjoyed lunch with her and her family.  She's dealt with brain cancer for the past two's been tough, even with her usual "positive spin" on the days and nights since getting the news and prognosis, I knew these had been some of her hardest times ever.  I wonder why her emails to me don't leave me depressed and feeling hopeless in thinking about my future?  Why didn't I "feel sorry for her" as we reminisced over lunch on Sunday?  I did want to cry in seeing that there are limitations as to what she can do and not do yet, and her gorgeous long hair isn't there as it once was, though she had made what she had to be the cutest "do".  I know, I think, why I love to hear from her, why I run to her Facebook page to hear what she's doing with this day, knowing some of what she's dealing with.  She refuses to allow...

Questions!!!!! the questions ever stop?  Are there ever enough answers? Having just received some painful news late last night about someone I love very much, I'm having question after question to creep through my brain today.  I woke up several times last night with the awful reality hitting my heart again and again that there aren't nearly as many answers as there are questions. But, that's for now.  I will have answers....maybe He won't answer the way I've asked Him to...even pleaded for Him to.  But my answer can come in committing myself, my heart, my will, my today, my tomorrow one more time to HIM...trusting!!!  "He will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is set on Thee".

Figuring it Out

Can't believe it's been over 2 months since I blogged...where in the world does time go?  I do have a transformed website, and thanks to Karissa, I'm able to be "here" took some "doing", but when has anything to do with technology been easy????  I do get mystified, reeeeaaaaal often, with things that I can't figure out....seems to be a little unsettling for me when I can't see how all the pieces are gonna fit into the puzzle.  As a matter of fact, I'm not sure I even always know what the puzzle is supposed to turn out to be.  Wellllll, to be honest, it's difficult for me to take that one more step when I'm not sure what the second step is supposed to be.  Not sure if anybody else has this challenge or not, but I would much rather know the steps ordained for me by Him....even the hard ones....than just taking a step by faith not knowing.  But what kind of faith is that???  Doesn't faith "define" as beli...