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Showing posts from April, 2015

Learning to Trust

One of my first songs to co-write was "Learning to Trust a Trustworthy God."  The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 happened shortly after Marty Funderburk and I finished the song... in fact, I'd just started staging it. One Sunday morning, as I was introducing the song, the thought hit me that maybe one of the reasons Marty and I wrote the song was to remind us all how important it is to continually be longing and learning to trust a God Who is indeed trustworthy. It's easy to trust God when things are running smoothly, isn't it?  In hard times, it's all about building our trust in a God Who can keep us steady, even in a level of peace, when the world around us crashes down.  Should we wait until the hard stuff happens to begin trusting?  No, of course not!  We should purposefully seek His help in building our faith and trust for those future days, believing in His unseen plan and not in the circumstances of today.

Out There

I shudder to think how many times I've stopped short of completing my goal, failed to keep a commitment, let fear of failure cause me to give up. I don't know why the "out there" can sometimes seem so "doable"... so "possible", and yet, as the journey continues, it isn't as easy to keep marching toward the goal as it was to commit in the beginning. What a shame! My sweet niece, Scarlett, who has suffered more losses than most anybody I've ever known, once said to me, "I know I'm gonna make it, Aunt Ann, but right now it seems to be an awfully long way from here to there."  I knew what she meant.  We don't lose our faith; sometimes it just helps to be reminded that "out there" is still there no matter what things look like today.  Let's keep reminding each other that we can live in victory today because He is already "out there".