My parents taught me about being quick to give but to use good judgment and wisdom in who to give to and making sure I give for the right reasons. I’ve been truly blessed these past few days by true givers. Typically January is a slow month for traveling ministries like Downing Ministries. This month has been especially challenging in that one weekend had only one booking and this past weekend just didn’t book at all. Having seen the major snowstorm that blew through late last week, we wouldn’t likely have been able to fulfill dates if they had scheduled. I’ve been hesitant to do a “plea” as such for help, somehow feeling that God had this and could work far better than I could. I want to report, as I do the happy dance, that “giving folks” have started doing just that…GIVING out of their hearts to Downing Ministries. To make the happy dance last longer, let me say that most of these gifts are from some folks I KNOW don’t have it to give in ...
Because it takes so little to be above average!