I have a special little place that I love…probably no big deal to anybody but me, but that’s because it’s just for me. I could share it, but honestly, my little courtyard in the morning is a “one woman therapy place." Now, my courtyard isn’t decorated with beautiful fountains, awnings, or the latest in patio furniture. The little plot of grass is fairly well-kept, and the birds sure do like my little sanctuary. I think they really really really like my trees. It is a beautiful little world for devotions. This morning was a spectacular one at my umbrella table. Reading in the Word about the goodness of the Lord, then looking up into that azure blue sky while being serenaded by cardinals, mockingbirds and whoever else. His goodness on display…now that’s the way to begin a day! I hope you have a “one person therapy place.” If not, just think about tomorrow morning and create a special place for you and God…and maybe...
Because it takes so little to be above average!