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My friend Jessy....

Just got the news that long time friend and fellow minister Jessy Dixon has made the journey from here to there....walking that "highway to Heaven" with great dignity and love for His Lord.

I first met Jessy when we were on the same record label in the 70's....then worked some telethons with him in the 80's, and of course then the beginning of the Gaither Homecoming videos brought us into each other's company over and over again. Some of my fondness memories were the Gaither cruises we shared....and just those concerts and video tapings where I could always count on Jessy to tell me he loved me and had missed me.

I would feel so proud when someone would say, "I like to see you and Jessy sitting together on a video"....I kinda felt they were saying we had great respect for each other and it came through in our interacting...which I always appreciated very much.

I will miss my friend...I have to admit I'm not one of those folks who easily call death a "celebration"...knowing, of course, that it is the ultimate finish line, yet my heart can't be happy right then...I will be happy for my friend Jessy in a while, but right now, I'm awfully sad.

Bless you, friend Jessy....your memory to me is sweet.



  1. Ann...I was able to see Jessy when the Gaither concerts came to Sacramento at the Arco Arena.....He had such a great annointed could tell he meant what he was singing about....seemed like a great person...You must feel honored to have actually been his Friend.....he will be missed...and...Like's a little sad now...but...we know what his reward is...that makes it alot better!!!...Appreciate you Ann...Dale/West Coast

  2. Ann, it's always hard to lose a friend, even one you absolutely KNOW you will see again someday. I am praying for you as you adjust to this loss. Love you, RebHart


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