When the good times come, it's easy to get sucked into this belief that it'll always be this way...and I say "sucked in", because we seem to look and look and look for a way to have the "good times".
Of course nobody wants the "not so good times"....but let's be honest, some of our greatest "growing times" take place then. Trusting in the Lord with all your heart isn't for those who are looking and dwelling on getting to the "good times" as a goal. But those "good times" will come in your heart if you trust....whether the times are good or not so good.
Of course nobody wants the "not so good times"....but let's be honest, some of our greatest "growing times" take place then. Trusting in the Lord with all your heart isn't for those who are looking and dwelling on getting to the "good times" as a goal. But those "good times" will come in your heart if you trust....whether the times are good or not so good.
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