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Fairy GodBoss Celebration Day

This week, Karissa, who most of you know works with me, and Hannah, a great young friend, decided I was to have a day of "birthday celebration"... a WHOLE DAY!

I knew I was to be picked up at my house and taken "somewhere" for the day.  What I didn't know was that I would wake up, walk out of my bedroom door to a sea of all colors of balloons all the way from my bedroom door to the kitchen where there was a red carpet with additional mylar balloons identifying my 70th.  Those balloons were weighted down with little glass (acrylic) slippers... some even having little stones on the toe.  AND, my desk chair was stationed at the end of the red carpet with a "queen's crown" balloon attached.

We left the house with Karissa driving.  I only knew we were picking up Hannah and driving somewhere!  We collected Hannah; she had created a movie for me on her laptop...hilarious and sweet!!!!  Then, off to Opryland Hotel for what I was to learn would be my "home" for the whole day, as long as I wanted to stay.  I was also "crowned" with my tiara, given my magic wand, and draped with my "Birthday Princess" sash and pink "Birthday Princess" necklace.

We had lunch at the beautiful Cascades in the hotel, rode the boat in the Delta area, shopped in the little shops, had Starbucks, sat and talked and talked and talked in that beautiful place, and finished off with appetizers and dessert at Jack Daniel's, also located in the hotel.  Then, home after an almost 12 hour eventful day!  Can't begin to thank Karissa and Hannah enough!

I loved every minute of the balloons, beautiful setting at lunch, the movie, my crown, all of it!  But you know what?  What stands out in my memory today above all else is that two people loved me enough to give up their day for me.  It was all about "How long do you want to stay?"; "You sit down, and I'll get that for you."; "If you really like that, I'll buy it for you."  Do you get where I'm going?  It's a magic thing, indeed, when someone selflessly says you matter to me more than I matter to myself.  I'll take the gifts, chauffeuring to an amazing day, fried pickles as an appetizer, boat rides through a beautiful arboretum, but I value above all else the gals who thoughtfully put together a lovely day... just because they love me and what I like above themselves and there own "likes."


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