My best friend is suffering from that dreaded disease called Alzheimers.
Unless God performs a miracle, Dolly will not be here on earth a lot longer, and without a miracle, during her final days, weeks, months (or however long the Lord chooses to let her remain here) she won't be the Dolly I've always known.
I have memories of such beautiful moments with Dolly. A lot of them, actually, took place during the most painful times of my life. When my Paul was dying in a Kentucky hospital (for 56 days and nights), Dolly stayed with me in the critical care waiting room every night. This was after teaching 3rd grade kiddos all day.
I also have fun memories. We traveled through Europe together two summers in a row. One time an airline didn't get my product box on the flight with us. When we landed in Florida and discovered it had gone on its own adventure, Dolly referred to it as "exciting" while I was huffin' and puffin' about what I was gonna do! She had a knack for finding "fun" in challenging moments, the kind of moments that make me want to walk off the planet.
I miss Dolly...would love to walk into that nursing home and ask her to open her eyes and she'd do it like it was no big deal. Again, without God's miracle, that won't happen, but I hold to the promise of another day...the day Jesus has promised those who beleive He is the Son of The Most High God. That day is coming, then Dolly will again giggle and say, "How exciting!"...and we'll make more memories.
Unless God performs a miracle, Dolly will not be here on earth a lot longer, and without a miracle, during her final days, weeks, months (or however long the Lord chooses to let her remain here) she won't be the Dolly I've always known.
I have memories of such beautiful moments with Dolly. A lot of them, actually, took place during the most painful times of my life. When my Paul was dying in a Kentucky hospital (for 56 days and nights), Dolly stayed with me in the critical care waiting room every night. This was after teaching 3rd grade kiddos all day.
I also have fun memories. We traveled through Europe together two summers in a row. One time an airline didn't get my product box on the flight with us. When we landed in Florida and discovered it had gone on its own adventure, Dolly referred to it as "exciting" while I was huffin' and puffin' about what I was gonna do! She had a knack for finding "fun" in challenging moments, the kind of moments that make me want to walk off the planet.
I miss Dolly...would love to walk into that nursing home and ask her to open her eyes and she'd do it like it was no big deal. Again, without God's miracle, that won't happen, but I hold to the promise of another day...the day Jesus has promised those who beleive He is the Son of The Most High God. That day is coming, then Dolly will again giggle and say, "How exciting!"...and we'll make more memories.
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