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Life Happens. God Prevails.

We’ve all heard and used (I'm sure!) the phrase, “When it rains it pours.”  We're usually referring to the onslaught of challenges, frustrations, and aggravations we've come to term as "attacks on our daily lives"... and they are!

Remember the little girl on the box of salt who is standing under her umbrella?   She reminds  me of what we must look like when the world rains heavily on our parade.   We’re trying to protect ourselves from all the things that force us to our knees seeking God’s mercy to help us get through the day. 

To be honest, today has been one of those "seeking" days for ADM.  I'm thankful our Father reminded me of a verse I memorized from the King James Version a long time ago, “When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him”.  Isaiah 59:19b

I’m thinking that the “flood” of challenges that have entered our lives today can’t hold a candle to HIS standard against them.  As I type this, an old quartet song rings in my ear…”Believing is what really counts, and faith unlocks the door”. 

Let’s choose, right now, to live in that kind of faith... the kind that believes in His standard against the enemy.  If we practice it now, I have a hunch our responses to the inevitable future onslaughts will be markedly improved!


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