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Commitment to Thankfulness

About 20 years ago, Mark Lowry and I found ourselves on a flight from Texas to Nashville after a weekend of Gaither Homecoming concerts.  Somewhere way up there, Mark randomly said to me, "Ann, let's make a commitment to each other that we will write down five things we're thankful for each day."  We went on to talk about the importance of being specific, writing down more than just, "thankful for a beautiful day".  We agreed they should be things more like, "Lord, I'm so thankful for being able to get out in my yard on this beautiful day," or "Thank You, Father, for the rain that's sure to be a great blessing to those flowers I've just planted."  You get the idea.

Since that day in 1997, I've purposely written down 5 specific things I am thankful for.  I admit that sometimes they would probably sound lame to others if they read them, but to me, this has been a great faith builder... a great prompter to never forget those specific ways He works, provides, and engineers my days.  Even in the most painful times of my life, because I committed to do it, I've found five things to be thankful for.  In fact, I've often been tempted to make the list 10 things instead of only five!

I'm not trying to be "overly spiritual" with this.  I back away from trying to convince anyone of how "spiritual" I am; sooner or later someone will figure out that I am no different than anybody else.  I am challenging you to ask God if this is something that can benefit you.  I believe all of us, to one degree or another, long to have a more thankful heart.

You don't have to let me know you are committing, but if you are, I urge you to stay true to the commitment.  For me, and others I know who have practiced the same, it has made a tremendous difference in how we go about our days and which happenings stand out in our minds.  It has also been a reminder of how attentive God is to every detail... from the minute to the massive.


  1. Ann, I have fell short in this commitment, but I have made the choice to start it again over the past several months.. Told my daughter just last week about you encouraging us to do that. Sure helps the days when things just SEEM to be to hard..


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