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More Than Routine

When I woke up this morning and realized that it was time to get up and get on with the day, I was physically able to put both feet on the floor and walk to the coffee pot. 

I know I’m bad to do little things like that every day and never give them a second thought.  God reminded me this morning, however, that it’s those everyday things I take for granted much too often that He wants me to remember and be thankful for.  How about you?  What is it that you have experienced most every day of your life that you are now realizing are far more than just routine? 

Before my Mama passed away, she was in a nursing home for a year….bedridden because of a lot of crippling issues in her back.  She had always been full of energy, dearly loved moving fast through her days, whatever she was doing.  She didn’t just water her flowers around that big farmhouse, she did it with vim and vigor, being kinda proud of how quick she could do it.  But in those last months before she went to Heaven, she wasn’t able to do that any longer.  I knew her well enough to know she was lying in that bed so wishing she could be out and about on her two feet. 

Now, my takeaway from her last months here on earth?  God will be with you and give you peace, even when those things you loved to do more than anything aren’t possible any longer.  One of her fav sayings was, “Patience will come when you need it”.  She needed it and she embraced it…and peace was hers. 


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