And just like that, it's February! Only two weeks until Valentine's Day, and Groundhog Day is tomorrow! Please don't flog me for saying that I really do enjoy cold winters like what we've experienced a taste of this year. Maybe it's because I'm not a fashion guru, and I'm a big fan of fleece and sweats. Somehow, to me, it's just easier. When you stop and think about it, though, that's really part of God's creation that makes life fun.
God created us all differently... individually. We each have our own likes and dislikes. Our tastebuds experience foods differently; that's why I like molasses while you may not. Our DNA, though sharing some similarities, has as many or more dis-similarities that make you... well, you... and make me... me.
In all the conversation of 2018, I want to caution us to take a careful look at the reasons we do the things we do, believe what we believe, dress the way we dress, even like what we like. I am fearful that we're bowing at the altar of unity as defined by the world's secular players (news media, people we know, music industry, Hollywood, colleges, etc.) and allowing those definitions to influence our understanding of the Bible rather than allowing the Bible to influence our understanding of unity. Being unified doesn't mean everyone thinks alike and believes alike. Unity is taking the best of your ideas, the best of my ideas, and being mature enough to realize the unity comes in identifying common goals not in conforming to a mold we weren't created to fit.
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