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God is Good?

Well, of course God is good.
But, He’s good whether we feel it, see it, hear it, believe it or not. How many times have you heard someone say “God is good, all the time, all the time God is good” when things haven’t gone exactly as they’d wanted or prayed? Don’t we say it easily after a prayer has been answered pretty much “our way”?
If you’ve heard me in concert or speak more than a few times, you likely have heard me share what Corrie ten Boom had to say on this….someone said to her, “Oh Corrie, wasn’t God good to bring you out of the concentration camps?” to which Corrie responded, “Oh, He was good when I was still in the concentration camps”.
Now, if I can be realllll honest here, I don’t think my lips have very often spoken those words, “God is good” during those times of confusion, fear, complexity¸lack, etc. But let me SEE, HEAR, FEEL the difference He’s made and it’s easy to mouth the words..and believe them.
My next quest, I think, is to see Him, feel Him, hear Him in my spirit (with the help of HIS HOLY SPIRIT that lives in me) and first of all say “God is good”, whether I see, feel or hear a difference or not in my natural “man”. True faith…just believing that if I haven’t gotten that breakthrough, just hold on to whatever He calls a “breatkthrough” for me.
Oh yeah…..GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME, ALL THE TIME, GOD IS GOOD….and it depends little on what I call victory.


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